Electric car lithium battery production methods and tutorials

Electric car lithium battery production methods and tutorials

Electric car lithium battery production is mainly divided into two major steps, one is the manufacture of lithium battery cells, the other is the lithium battery cells one by one through the series or parallel connection to achieve the desired electric car lithium battery pack voltage size and capacity size and charge and discharge requirements. Follow the CSIT lithium battery manufacturers of electric vehicles to learn more about it:

First, the production of lithium batteries for electric vehicles lithium battery manufacturing

This is mainly about the production of lithium battery cell manufacturing methods, the basic steps are as follows:

1, stirring and mixing of raw materials: the electrode active material, binder, solvent, etc. are mixed together, fully stirred and dispersed, modulated into a paste.

2, positive and negative electrode sheet coating: the slurry is intermittently and uniformly coated on the surface of the transport collector drying, respectively, made into positive and negative electrode sheet rolls.

3、Cold pressing of positive and negative pole pieces: after the positive and negative pole pieces are coated, the positive and negative materials are relatively loose, so it is necessary to give the pole pieces a certain pressure to compact the positive and negative materials to a certain range.

4. Cutting and slitting: According to the battery model, the positive and negative electrode sheets need to be cut into corresponding widths.

5、Stacking of positive and negative pole pieces: small positive and negative pole pieces and isolation film are stacked and combined to form a bare cell.

6, into the shell, spot welding, vacuum drying: the bare electric core will be wrapped with packaging aluminum foil, and the top and sides will be thermally encapsulated. In addition, and then after a high vacuum high temperature baking, a small amount of water drying, so that the lithium battery performance is guaranteed.

7, liquid injection: the electrolyte will be added to the core, and the core is completely sealed.

8, into: the assembled battery is given a certain current, so that its internal positive and negative material activation, the battery can only be used as a power source after the formation.


9、Capacity Separation: In the manufacturing process, the actual capacity of the battery is not consistent due to process reasons, and the battery is categorized according to its capacity through certain charging and discharging tests.

10、Molding: The shape of the battery cell will do the final processing.

After the above steps, a lithium battery cell is manufactured successfully, the next step is to form a battery pack of battery cells.

Second, the lithium battery cells one by one through the series or parallel connection to achieve the desired lithium battery pack for electric vehicles

Electric car lithium battery production: for example, you want to make your own battery pack 48v20ah, you can buy lithium iron phosphate batteries, with 3ah 26650, 16 series 7 and can be realized 48v20ah, and then buy 16 series lithium iron protection board, control the current of normal 6a, the maximum 12a, the moment 18a can be. 26650 battery single 24 yuan, 160 yuan protection board, probably need to be 2848 yuan, and the charger needs 50 yuan, you can assemble it yourself. Lithium iron phosphate batteries are the safest and most cycled lithium batteries.

1, prepare materials, including stainless steel battery box, to the electric car assembly of 60V24AH lithium batteries, lithium batteries must be selected from the electric car power battery.

2, the lithium battery 20 a string, a total of 8 strings.

3, 8 strings of lithium batteries connected in parallel, with spacers and tape to do a good job of insulation.

4, tape fixed, series welding protection line.

5, with heat shrinkable film to weld a good series of lithium battery package insulation, connected to the protection board, good insulation, to prevent short circuit.

6, lithium battery short circuit is very harmful, heat shrink film wrapped lithium battery after the lithium battery electric car assembly is complete, put it into the electric car can be.

Assembly of lithium batteries for electric vehicles should pay attention to the problem:

1, assembling electric car lithium battery check

In the process of disassembling the battery to check the quality of all the connecting wires, while checking the fuse, charging socket, as well as the electric car lithium battery lead wire contact is normal and reliable, and fasten all the connectors. Those that need to be replaced should be replaced, and should focus on examining its reliability, and those that are unreliable should be replaced.

2, assembly of lithium batteries for electric vehicles installed

To be in accordance with the requirements of the battery box instructions for the installation of lithium batteries for electric vehicles. In fact, most of the battery battery box inside each battery is connected in series, with no less than one square copper wire to each battery with a soldering iron welding series together, the last remaining two output terminals positive and negative, welded in the output socket of the two segments, pay attention not to be connected to the reverse, be sure and the charger on the positive and negative counterparts. Otherwise the consequences will be serious.

4, assembled electric car lithium battery trial

After the installation of lithium batteries for electric vehicles, to use a multimeter to measure the battery output port voltage, the actual voltage of the battery should be slightly higher than the standardized voltage 2 ~ 5V, normal before being put into normal operation.

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